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  • #109. ⚖️ Law student's AI product 💻 AI PCs 🤖 Nvidia's $30B AI chip ops

#109. ⚖️ Law student's AI product 💻 AI PCs 🤖 Nvidia's $30B AI chip ops

Law student's AI app briefs cases for you • 60% of PCs will be AI-powered by 2027 • Nvidia plans new $30B AI-focused custom chip business

  • Bradley Neal, a law student at George Washington University, developed Lexplug, a generative AI tool for aiding law students in understanding and briefing cases, inspired by his need to quickly understand a case during class.

  • Lexplug is a library of case briefs created using GPT-4, currently containing 7,000 briefs with a goal of reaching 50,000. Neal selected cases based on various law school syllabi and fine-tuned the AI to produce accurate, reliable briefs.

  • The platform features Gunnerbot, allowing students to engage in conversational queries about cases, providing answers based solely on the case text to minimize errors.

  • An "Explain Like I’m 5" Mode is included to simplify legal jargon into more accessible language, equating to the understanding level of a first-year college student or high school senior.

  • An upcoming feature will enable users to generate briefs for unbriefed cases, expanding Lexplug’s database and functionality, initially covering U.S. state and federal cases.

  • Lexplug, priced at $9 per month after a seven-day trial, competes with Quimbee's larger case brief database. Neal, with a background in software engineering, has previously developed a Supreme Court oral argument podcast and other tech projects during his law school tenure.

  • AI PCs, equipped for running generative AI tasks, are predicted to constitute nearly 60% of total PC shipments by 2027, reaching around 150 million units.

  • Traditional CPUs and GPUs are less efficient for AI tasks, leading to a shift towards Neural Processing Units (NPUs) designed specifically for AI workloads.

  • IDC categorizes AI PCs into three types based on NPU performance: Hardware-enabled AI PCs, Next-generation AI PCs, and Advanced AI PCs, with performance ranging from under 40 TOPS to over 60 TOPS.

  • The market is expected to initially be dominated by hardware-enabled AI PCs, but next-gen AI PCs will eventually take precedence.

  • Commercial clients will be major consumers of these PCs, but there will also be significant offerings for individual consumers, including AI-enhanced gaming and digital content creation tools.

  • The increased adoption of AI PCs signifies a major shift in computing, focusing on efficiency and dedicated AI performance capabilities.

  • Nvidia is creating a new business unit to design custom AI chips for cloud computing and other sectors, targeting a significant share of a rapidly growing custom AI chip market.

  • The company aims to diversify and protect its market share amid increasing competition and the development of internal chips by major tech companies.

  • Nvidia's H100 and A100 chips are currently general-purpose AI processors used by major clients like OpenAI and Google, but the move to custom chips is driven by the need for more energy-efficient and cost-effective solutions.

  • This new venture includes discussions with companies like Amazon, Meta, and Microsoft for designing custom chips tailored to their specific needs.

  • The custom chip market, including data centers, is expected to grow significantly, posing a potential challenge to current market leaders like Broadcom and Marvell.

  • Beyond data centers, Nvidia's custom chip ambitions extend to telecom, automotive, and video gaming sectors, with potential growth in these markets as well.


Future Perfect is brought to you by my law practice serving tech startups and providing solutions at the intersection of AI and copyright law. Come say hi at MarcHoagLaw.com or click here to watch my lectures about AI and copyright law or here for my Axiomic Legal Toolkit where you can self-educate on AI and tech startups (and more!)


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