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  • #81. 📓Hong Kong's AI school curriculum | 😎 cool roof tech eliminates billions of tons of CO2 | 🤩Bentley's first EV is an AV (sort of)

#81. 📓Hong Kong's AI school curriculum | 😎 cool roof tech eliminates billions of tons of CO2 | 🤩Bentley's first EV is an AV (sort of)

PLUS: GPT-4's secret | open source licenses & AI | meteorologist quits due to death threat | El Niño & global heating |


  • Hong Kong has launched the first AI curriculum for junior secondary students, covering topics such as ChatGPT, AI ethics, and social impacts.

  • Teachers are asked to incorporate 10 to 14 hours of AI education into the ICT subject for Form One to Three students.

  • The curriculum includes learning basic AI concepts, computer vision, computer speech and language, robotic reasoning, and evaluating AI tools like ChatGPT.

  • The curriculum is based on the "AI for the Future Project" by Chinese University, with a strong focus on ethics and social impacts.

  • The government aims to revamp existing AI curriculums in public secondary schools and provide AI teaching workshops for ICT teachers.

  • Additionally, an enriched coding curriculum will be introduced for Primary Four to Six pupils, covering computational thinking using Scratch programming language.

  • GPT-4 has been revealed to be a combination of eight smaller models rather than a single breakthrough model.

  • The secrecy surrounding GPT-4 allowed OpenAI to maintain its mystique and fuel speculation about its power, despite it being a less groundbreaking achievement than expected.

  • The use of a mixture of expert models is not a new concept and was successfully implemented by Google engineers in 2021.

  • OpenAI's secrecy achieved three goals: freeing people's imagination, preventing competitors from copying their techniques, and maintaining the perception of rapid progress in AI.

  • The revelation raises questions about the true state-of-the-art in AI and the pace of innovation in the field.

  • Free software and open source licenses, designed for code in the 1970s and '80s, are not suitable for AI models and datasets.

  • Open source licenses are facing challenges in dealing with the large language models and datasets used in AI.

  • Lawsuits, such as J. Doe 1 et al vs GitHub, highlight the need for new licensing approaches to address AI-generated code.

  • The open source community, along with organizations like Open Source Initiative, Creative Commons, and the Linux Foundation, are working on defining open source AI principles.

  • Applying traditional open source licenses to AI artifacts may not be the best fit, and new licensing approaches need to be explored.

  • There is a need for open data in AI to address the lack of transparency in commercial AI models and datasets.


  • Torq.live: AI-powered inline assistant on every webpage.

  • Hourone.ai: AI video generator.

  • Kome.ai: AI-powered in-browser assistant.


  • "Cool roof" techniques on roofs and pavement in cities could remove more than 44 billion tons of carbon dioxide, offsetting global carbon emissions.

  • Cool roofs reflect sunlight and reduce urban heat island effect, leading to lower air temperatures and reduced cooling energy demand.

  • Advanced materials and falling prices make cool roof technologies more accessible and cost-effective.

  • Many cities, including Los Angeles, Houston, and New York, have building codes or ordinances that require cool roof technologies.

  • Policy initiatives could accelerate the adoption of cool roof strategies and make a significant impact in limiting global heating.

  • Iowa meteorologist Chris Gloninger is leaving his career on television due to harassment over his coverage of climate change.

  • Gloninger received a death threat stemming from his climate coverage and experienced resulting PTSD.

  • He is starting a new career with the Woods Hole Group in Massachusetts to work on solving the climate crisis.

  • Gloninger shared insulting and threatening messages he received to highlight the issue.

  • He believes it is important to continue talking about climate change and hopes to help communicate scientific findings to the public in his new role.

  • His last day on the job is scheduled for July 7.

  • The planet is experiencing a double whammy of global heating and an emerging El Niño event in 2023, resulting in supercharged extreme weather.

  • El Niño is the biggest natural influence on year-to-year weather, adding additional warmth to an already overheating world.

  • El Niño increases global temperatures by releasing heat from the ocean to the atmosphere, adding up to 0.2°C to annual global surface temperatures.

  • The El Niño-La Niña cycle brings increased heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, and floods to different regions, with the strongest impacts occurring in areas close to the Pacific.

  • El Niño also affects regions farther from the Pacific, including impacts on the Indian monsoon, hurricanes, typhoons, and the jet stream.

  • Weak El Niño conditions arrived in May 2023 and are expected to strengthen, with an 84% chance of a moderate event and a 56% chance of a strong event.

  • The effects of El Niño are exacerbated by human-caused climate change, and reducing carbon emissions to net zero is crucial to mitigate the impacts of rising global temperatures.


  • Bentley's first electric vehicle (EV) will come with hands-off self-driving technology, initially offering partial hands-off driving on motorways.

  • The EV will feature Mobileye's SuperVision system, which includes 11 cameras.

  • While the exact body style is not confirmed, it could be a sportier two-door coupe with high-performance capabilities, including up to 1,400 horsepower and a 0-60 mph time of 1.5 seconds.

  • Bentley plans to launch a new electric vehicle every year from 2025 to 2030 and is investing over $3 billion to upgrade its Crewe facility for the electric era.

  • Rolls-Royce is also set to release its first EV, the Spectre, which is a luxury coupe with a dual-motor layout, a 120-kilowatt-hour battery pack, a range of 310 miles, and a 0-60 mph time of 4.4 seconds.

  • Chevy's Silverado EV stands out for its 200+kWh battery and impressive 450+ mile range.

  • The large battery adds significant weight, making the truck weigh 8500 lbs, which can pose safety risks in accidents.

  • The Silverado EV has a larger battery than its competitors, such as the Ford F-150 Lightning and Rivian R1T.

  • Chevy achieved a longer range by optimizing the vehicle's efficiency, including using smaller, more efficient motors.

  • The Silverado EV offers Chevy Pro Power on Board, similar to Ford's power station, providing power options in various locations.

  • The starting price for the Silverado EV Work Truck is $77,905, with lower-range and higher-priced models coming later.

  • The Kilowatts, Whole Mars Blog, and Arash Malek conducted a race to see how Tesla's FSD Beta, Waymo, and Cruise perform in getting around San Francisco.

  • Tesla's FSD Beta finished the route in 20 minutes, followed by Waymo in 25 minutes, and Cruise in 29 minutes.

  • Each company's technology and performance were evaluated, with Tesla impressing with its real-time rendering capabilities, while Waymo and Cruise relied on lidar and pre-mapped routes.

  • The focus of the race was on safety and minimizing problems rather than speed.

  • Robotaxis, such as those tested in the race, have the potential to improve road safety, reduce traffic congestion, lower emissions, and increase accessibility for individuals who face driving challenges.


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